Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Charlie's Red Herring

In his recent notorious interview (interrogation?) of Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, Charlie Gibson asked Governor Palin the following question about her stance on abortion: "John McCain would allow abortion in cases of rape and incest. Do you believe in it only in the case where the life of the mother is in danger?"

He immediately followed up her response of "That is my personal opinion" with: "Would you change and accept it in rape and incest?"

What is Gibson's reason for asking this question? Is Charlie Gibson really concerned about abortion cases with respect to rape and incest victims? Does anyone think that, if by some miracle, Palin would have responded by saying that it would be ok to exclude those categories, the case would have been immediately closed? Republicans and Democrats could then come together and agree to ban all other abortions?

Of course not! This is ridiculous. It is a question posed by the left only to divide the right. Divide and conquer. The issue of rape and incest is almost purely an in-house debate among Republicans. Most Democrats would never concede what they construe to be a woman's Constitutional right to kill her unborn child.

At least Palin has the bladder control to sit with someone whom she knows is working the other side of the street, and engage in discussion. I haven't seen too much of that from the other side.


Phillips said...

What about Obama being on Bill O'Reilly's show? He had enough bladder control to sit down with Bill O'Reilly. :)

Maverick said...

Good point.